أكبر متجر بمعدات الأتمتة الصناعية الجديدة والمستعملة في بولندا!
Since 2015, www.rgbautomatyka.pl has been providing continuous access to industrial automation equipment for maintenance departments of many Polish and global factories. We ensure that our customers are able to make purchases at any time, being confident of the quality of the products and fast delivery.
يمكن أيضًا العثور على جميع المنتجات في متجرنا على حسابات Allegro و eBay ، حيث حافظنا على وضعنا كأفضل بائع في جميع الأسواق العالمية تقريبًا لسنوات.
Owing to direct commercial contacts with the largest suppliers of industrial electronics in the world, we are able to find virtually any device at the request of the customer. If the equipment cannot be obtained in any way, we offer alternative solutions in the form of offers for replacement devices or full retrofit of a machine. We never leave our customers with their problems and we try to find a satisfactory solution in the shortest time possible.
نحن الممثلون الرسمي للعلامات التجارية مثل:
Safe transport plays a major role in the sale of industrial automation equipment. Owing to the long-term cooperation with UPS, we have developed innovative methods of securing the equipment during transport:
ما برای تجهیزات ارسال شده از سه نوع بسته بندی استفاده می کنیم:
شرکت BSK
طهران - شارع آزادي - قريب من ميدان انقلاب - شارع جمال زاده الجنوبي - زقاق الرشتشي - طريق مسدود رقم 1
ايميل: mail@bsktech.ir
هاتف الاتصال: 02166752994-0098